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Good Christian Senator Ralph Shortey Caught with Underaged Teenage Boy

March 21, 2017

Or, “Here we go again.” Gotta love these godly Christian Republicans, don’t you? You know, the ones who lecture everyone else about “family values” and their version of God, demanding that everyone else live by their moral rules. While they have no remote interest in living by them themselves.

It all gets very tiring, the utter hypocrisy of these people who scream their godliness from the rooftops. Obviously, their screaming serves the purpose of trying to drown out the knowledge of their true selves. And their true selves are staggering, wicked hypocrites. Just for starters.

ANOTHER GOP Rep Caught In A Hotel With An Underage Teen Boy

The hulking 35-year-old senator is facing multiple charges from Moore, Oklahoma, after being caught in a Super 8 motel room with the underage teenage boy.

According to Bret Buganski with KOCO, police are recommending charges of transporting purpose of prostitution, soliciting prostitution of a minor, prostitution within 1,000 feet of a church…

Police did not make an arrest, and so far no charges have been filed. However, authorities are investigating text messages between the senator and the boy.

Don’t you wish these raving lunatic “Christians” would just go away already and stop oppressing the rest of the world? Or is that just me?

Anti-gay Christian Joey Hensley is as moral as usual

March 18, 2017

When the chicken squawks loudest, gonna lay a big egg! — Steve Taylor, Christian singer (lyrics from “Guilty by Association”)

That pretty much describes righteous, godly, “family values” Pentecostal Christian, Senator Joey Hensley in the United States. This holy man — who, incidentally, has now been revealed to have had an extramarital affair with someone who is 1) his colleague at work, 2) his patient, and 3) his second cousin — has been vigorously devoted to destroying the families and lives of others.

‘Family values’ anti-gay politician accused of affair with his own cousin

Joey Hensley

This crusader gets around his own sins (as he would call them if they were committed by others) by saying that he didn’t technically break the law. All the while seeming to think that the divine law he purports to follow only actually applies to other people.

Isn’t he a gem?


First African Baptist Church Loves its Ten Percent Belief Tax

August 12, 2015

Sure, holy men of the First African Baptist Church of Bainbridge, Georgia. Kick a 92-year-old woman out of the congregation she has supported (both financially and in many other ways) for fifty years. And why? Because she hasn’t been able to pay your 10% Belief Tax lately. Shut-in and sick and unable to attend church for a while (she’s 92, people!!), Josephine King hasn’t been forking over any cash, all that time, the selfish, greedy bitch. So kick her out, milk of human kindness practitioners!

Let me guess. You holy men of the First African Baptist Church undoubtedly also rear up in high dudgeon, screaming that the government has no right to tax you, it’s your money, you’ve earned it, and taxation is theft! I just bet you do.

But that ten percent Belief Tax, well now, hold on. That’s something completely different. Of course it is. That’s other people’s cash. You’ve got a right to it. To hell with this “freely given” nonsense.

As reported on the Friendly Atheist blog, Church Kicks Out 92-Year-Old Woman for Not Tithing. As the original news story on KFVS news said,

“Josephine King is no longer considered a member of the First African Baptist Church of Bainbridge, Georgia,” read Gerald Simmons, as he skimmed over the letter addressed to his aunt.

The letter, signed by Senior Pastor Derrick Mike [shaming emphasis mine], stated that Ms. King “has shown non-support” towards the church in the areas of “constant and consistent financial and physical participation.”

“She was stunned. She was disappointed. She was shocked,” said Simmons.

No kidding. And Ms. King’s nephew went on to say,

“You have to have money to make these churches run, but it’s not about money,” Simmons said. “It’s about God. You have to put God first.”

Oh, pshaw, Mr. Simmons. You know that Jesus Christ and the temple moneychangers were best buds. Thick as thieves. Right?

When this greedy, capitalism-ist, money-grubbing “church” rescinds its policy (now that they’ve been publically shamed), I hope that 1) Ms. King recognizes the excuse story they plan to spin for what it is and 2) never goes back, and deprives this whited sepulchre of her cash forever.

The whited sepulchre, First African Missionary Baptist Church, Bainbridge, Georgia

The Whited Sepulchre itself

Pastor Tony Miano: Pounce on ‘Em When They’re Down

April 26, 2015


Have a look at this tweet by self-righteous preacher Tony Miamo:

And in case he takes the tweet down, here’s exactly what  he said: “Praying 4 the lost souls in Nepal. Praying not a single destroyed pagan temple will b rebuilt & the people will repent/receive Christ.” ‘Cause that’s exactly what the compassionate, humane thing is to do–wait till they are desperate and vulnerable and then pounce on them with your religion.

Miano is, apparently, one of those who would come up to a starving person on the street and hand them a Bible tract because it’s more important to feed their souls than their bodies. And as they starve to death, he would walk away, shaking his head at their sinful stubbornness in rejecting his religion.

There are few people on earth as cruel as a self-righteous Christian. And I’m sure Miano believes that his Jesus is exactly like him, and would do exactly what he wants to do–ensure that everything that upholds and sustains people through their worst disasters is kept from them, so the “right doctrine” can be shoved down their throats instead. (Because a “conversion” when someone is half-insane with desperation and grief is a real conversion, right? Not to mention a great notch on some soulless missionary’s belt.)

But really, what was it, that stuff, that thing that Jesus said? That thing, you know? Oh right:

“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’

“Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’

“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’

“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:41-46)

Funny. Jesus must have left out the part about, “But it’s more important to convert them first, rather than sustain them and help them get through to the other side of their grief and disaster.”

Miano’s god is the person he sees in the mirror. And he presumes to tell others that they create gods in their own image.

Because Jesus would Totally not Heal a Child of Lesbians, Right?

February 19, 2015
Baby who Dr. Vesna Roi would not see, because the baby's parents are lesbians

If pure, godly Dr. Vesna Roi can’t form a patient-doctor relationship with this patient, she should retire from medicine. I suggest scrubbing toilets.

Dr. Vesna RoiChristian physician at Eastlake Pediatrics in Roseville, Michigan, has decided that Jesus’s policy of healing all who came to him, saints or sinners, is beneath her piety. While showing medical compassion to perceived sinners might be all well and good for the Son of God — she is far above that.

Doctor refuses treatment of same-sex couple’s baby

Legally married lesbian parents Krista and Jami Contreras had an appointment with Dr. Roi for their six-day-old baby, after a prior meeting with her where she seemed friendly and told them to make an appointment once the baby was born.

But instead of seeing Dr. Roi,  another doctor greeted them.

“The first thing Dr. Karam said was ‘I’ll be your doctor, I’ll be seeing you today because Dr. Roi decided this morning that she prayed on it and she won’t be able to care for Bay,” Jami said.

“Dr. Karam told us she didn’t even come to the office that morning because she didn’t want to see us.”

In her better-than-godly purity, Dr. Vesna Roi WOULDN’T EVEN COME INTO THE SAME BUILDING while they were there.

Dr. Roi’s later explanation–delivered via letter, incidentally, and not in person– was, “After much prayer following your prenatal, I felt that i [sic] would not be able to develop the personal patient-doctor relationships that I normally do with my patients.”

My dear Dr. Roi. You were not being asked to fall in love with your patient’s parents–just to deal with them as fellow human beings. Because by the way, it’s the baby who was supposed to be your patient — not the parents — and if you are incapable of developing a “personal patient-doctor relationship” with A BABY — you should damn well find another line of work. Might I suggest night janitor?

But hey, that purity. Jesus himself would have to work hard to live up to that. Though if pure, godly Vesna Roi really had prayed on it, Jesus might have reminded her, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Jesus doing a facepalm

‘”Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not. Unless, apparently, you are more pure than I am.”

Religious Violence “Might be Needed” — But only, apparently, Christian violence

January 10, 2015

Apparently, religious violence is only a good thing for Christians to perform. A former Calgary pastor earnestly describes how he punched a kid in the chest for not taking God seriously. (Or, as the pastor oh-so-grammatically says, “for not taking the Lord serious.” Never mind the violence — yay for good English from a role model. /sarcasm)

Here are two things we can take away from this pastor’s account:

  1. The kid being “bright” (that is, very intelligent) “made him more dangerous.” (“Dangerous??” Excuse me, but the kid wasn’t the one punching someone in the chest!)
  2. Sometimes the violence of an adult punching a kid in the chest “might be needed.”


He virtually brags about it: “I walked over to him, and I went BAM!! I punched him in the chest as hard as I — I crumpled the kid. I just crumpled ‘im.” You can just see this man’s enjoyment as he recounts his act of forceful prowess. He loved doing it, and he loves telling people what a man he was. For God, you understand.

Have a look. Watch his body language:


So you wonder what other types of action this pastor might eventually recommend to make young people “take the Lord more serious.” Raising them to be as dumb as you can, so they’re not “dangerous” to your Christian work? How about punching an adult who doesn’t “take your God serious?” How about shooting him?

Can you imagine, can you just imagine what Christian pastors would be screaming from their pulpits if they heard about Muslim imams bullying young men into becoming Muslims by punching them in the chest?? In fact, they already do shriek (correctly) about the Taliban and al Qaeda and ISIS doing exactly the same sort of thing.

The only difference between this pastor and any Taliban imam–or, for that matter, the recent assassins in Paris–is degree. Not kind. “Disrespect my religion, don’t take my deity/prophet/beliefs ‘serious,’ and I will do violence upon you.” They have exactly the same attitudes. It’s just wrong when an adherent of the other religion does it — but not when they do it.

They all sing exactly the same tune. Only the deities are different.